CCRE Presents: Innovative Pathways to Production: Solutions to a Housing Crisis

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If homeownership is to be more accessible to the average Californian, then we must advance actionable, pragmatic, and innovative paths to dramatically increase housing supply. We need to rethink incentives for innovation to spur production and support emerging solutions. Our panel of experts explores new possibilities such as rezoning commercial land, converting commercial property to residential, encouraging more modular construction and partnerships with the public/private sector. Join us as C.A.R.’s new CEO, John Sebree moderates this wide-ranging forward-facing discussion.

Monthly Networking & Speakers Meeting

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Join Los Angeles Southwest REALTORS® at our Monthly Networking & Speakers Meeting. Hear from top company executives, social media and marketing experts, industry leaders, and innovators on topics to grow your business to the next level. Share your listings and buyers' needs with colleagues. This is a monthly meeting you don't want to miss!

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